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Heart Bypass Surgery: Procedure and Recovery

The most vital role of the heart is to pump cells to every cell of the body and the blood vessels. If one or more blood vessels become damaged or blocked, the heart doctor would recommend a heart bypass surgery.

In this blog, we will delve into what heart bypass surgery is, its procedure, recovery, and more. The insights to create this post have been gathered from an illustrious heart doctor in Delhi, Dr. Sujay Shad, who is one of the senior most surgeons of the cardiac department at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital.

What is Heart Bypass Surgery? A heart surgeon carries out heart bypass surgery to improve the blood circulation of the heart. During this surgery, the heart specialist takes the blood vessels from different body parts to bypass the damaged arteries. This surgery reduces the chances of a heart attack. It is mostly performed when the coronary arteries become blocked or damaged.

How is Heart Bypass Surgery Carried Out? A heart bypass surgery is performed either under local or general anesthesia, and the procedure time could vary between 3-6 hours depending on the patient’s condition. The following steps are involved in a heart bypass surgery: 1. Making an Incision The doctor will make an incision in the middle of the chest, and then the rib cage is spread to access the heart. The procedure can also be performed laparoscopically, which includes smaller incisions. 2. Connecting the Cardiopulmonary Bypass Machine Using medication, the heart gets stopped and is connected to a cardiopulmonary bypass machine. This machine circulates oxygen and blood throughout the body. 3. Grafting The heart surgeon will remove healthy blood vessels from another part of the body. The blood vessel that is removed gets attached to the blocked artery. This makes a route for the blood to travel to the heart. The doctor might perform multiple bypass procedures if there is more than one blockage. 4. Closing Incisions After the surgery is performed, the doctor will check the functioning of the newly attached blood vessels. If the functioning is proper, the incisions will be stitched and bandaged. How is Recovery After a Heart Bypass Surgery? Recovering from heart bypass surgery requires time and can take two to three months. It is also normal to feel down and uncomfortable after the surgery. The heart surgeon will schedule follow-up appointments in the first few months to monitor the progress. However, if one experiences the following symptoms, they should seek medical attention right away:

  • Rapid heart rate

  • Fever above 100 degrees

  • Redness around the incisions

  • Excessive chest pain, which increases from time to time.

How Can One Speed Up the Recovery Process?

  • Stay away from driving for a few weeks.

  • Do not indulge in heavy workouts. Instead, perform cardiac rehabilitation only if the heart surgeon recommends. Cardiac rehabilitation refers to a customized exercise program that involves lifestyle education, including nutrition.

  • Perform simple household work after complete recovery.

  • Most patients resume work after six weeks. However, if your work involves physical involvement, take the doctor’s advice before resuming work.

Note: One must understand that bypass surgery recovery time depends on one’s overall health and how many surgeries they have had. Final Takeaway We hope you have clearly understood what a bypass surgery means, how the procedure is performed, and how recovery is after a bypass surgery. For further details on bypass surgery, one can get in touch with Dr. Sujay Shad, a top heart surgeon who is a senior most surgeon at the cardiac department of Sir Ganga Ram Hospital. Bypass surgery cost in Delhi at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital starts at Rs. 3,55,000. Apart from bypass surgery, other heart surgeries such as heart transplants, heart valve surgery, aortic surgery, and many more are also performed by Dr. Sujay Shad at the hospital. Visit Sir Ganga Ram Hospital to consult Dr. Sujay Shad today!

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