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Heart-Healthy Diet: 8 Tips to Prevent Heart Disease

Eating a healthy diet is one of the most effective ways to improve the heart’s health. The good news is that it is easier than most individuals think. Although one must know that certain foods increase the risk of heart disease, it is often difficult to change eating habits. Once one knows which food to eat and which one to limit, they will be on their way towards a heart-healthy diet. But what does a heart-healthy diet include?

In this extensive guide, we have collaborated with a prominent and top heart surgeon in Delhi, Dr. Sujay Shad, practicing at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital. Through this post, our aim is to educate readers with effective heart-healthy diet tips so that they can remain fit and have a healthy heart. Keep reading for detailed information.

Here are 8 Heart Healthy Diet Tips

1. Keep a Control on Portion Size

How much one eats is just as important as what one eats. Filling the plate excessively can lead to eating more calories, fat, and cholesterol. One should also keep track of the number of servings they eat and use proper serving sizes to help control the portions. Eat more low-calorie, nutrition-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables and high-sodium foods such as processed foods, etc., as that helps to shape up the diet as well as the heart.

2. Eat More Vegetables and Fruits

Fruits and vegetables are good sources of minerals and vitamins. They are also low in calories and rich in fiber. They contain substances that are found in plants that help prevent cardiovascular disease. Eating more fruits and vegetables can help one eat fewer high-fat foods, such as meat, cheese, and snack foods. Keep the vegetables washed and cut in the refrigerator, as it can be a good option for snacking. Keep the fruits in a bowl in the kitchen so that one can eat them whenever they feel hungry.

3. Select Whole-grains to Eat

Whole grains can be a good source of fiber and nutrients that play a major role in regulating the heart’s health. One can also increase the amount of whole grains in a heart-healthy diet by making modifications to refined grain products. Grain products that should be avoided or limited include white flour, white bread, muffins, cornbread, cakes, pies, quick breads, etc. However, grain products to choose include whole-wheat flour, whole-wheat bread or 100% whole-grain bread, oatmeal, etc. To know which whole grains work best for your heart, one can get in touch with Dr. Sujay Shad, the best cardiac surgeon in Delhi, at the esteemed Sir Ganga Ram Hospital.

4. Limit the Use of Unhealthy Fats

One of the essential steps to lower blood cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of coronary artery disease is to limit the intake of saturated and trans fats. A high blood cholesterol level leads to the buildup of plaque in the arteries, which further leads to atherosclerosis and increases the risk of heart attacks and stroke. One must avoid foods with trans fat, reduce the amount of saturated fat in the diet, and cut out the fat in meat. Reduce the amount of butter while cooking, and check the food labels of cakes, chocolates, and chips, as they may be made of oil, which contains trans fat.

5. Choose a Low-fat Protein Source

Some of the foods that are the best sources of protein include fish, poultry, low-fat daily products, eggs, etc. Fish is also considered the best alternative to fatty meats. Foods that help in decreasing blood triglycerides include mackerel and salmon, and some other low-fat protein sources include walnuts, soybeans, flaxseeds, etc. If one limits their consumption of animal protein, they will be able to consume more fiber and less fat and cholesterol.

6. Lessen the Intake of Salt

Consuming a lot of salt increases the risk of heart disease and increases blood pressure too. One should limit the quantity of salt they eat each day to maintain a healthy heart. Heart surgeons recommend an adult avoid consuming more than 2,300 mg (approximately one teaspoon) of salt per day, which is also advised according to the American Heart Association. An ideal amount of salt is less than 1,500 mg of salt per day. Most of the salt one consumes comes from canned or processed foods such as soups, baked goods, and frozen foods. Therefore, one must try and cook their own fresh food to reduce the amount of salt.

7. Make a Daily Plan

To have a daily menu for the heart, plan every day. Firstly, one must determine which foods to include in a healthy diet and which ones to exclude. Prioritize fruits, vegetables, and whole grains when choosing food for each meal and snack. Limit high-salt foods and healthy fats. Additionally, regularly changing the menu for meals adds variety and helps ensure the body gets all the nutrients it requires.

8. Give Yourself the Permission to Eat As Much as You Can

Sometimes, it is important to give yourself permission to eat comfortably. It is important to eat healthy food every day and limit foods that are not good for the heart.

Final Takeaway

By incorporating these eight tips into your life, you will find that eating a heart-healthy diet is easy as well as fun. Also, to learn more tips to keep your heart healthy, schedule a consultation with Dr. Sujay Shad, a top heart specialist in Delhi, at Delhi’s famous and most renowned multi-speciality hospital, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, today!

Dr. Sujay Shad has experience spanning over 36 years and is the senior doctor of the cardiac department at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital. Over the years, he has performed a wide range of heart surgeries, such as life saving heart transplants, coronary bypass surgery, aortic surgery, aortic dissection, heart valve surgery, LVAD, and many more. For more details on these heart operations, get in touch with Dr. Sujay Shad, a famous heart and cardiac surgeon at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Delhi, today!

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