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Know About Heart Valve Diseases by Renowned Cardiac Surgeon

The heart is one of the vital body organs that needs to be healthy and active to keep one alive and functioning. In order to keep the heart pumping, four valves structured into the shape of this body organ play a crucial role in maintaining blood circulation. But heart valves with age and certain lifestyle changes lead to various health issues. Learning about the causes, signs, and symptoms of heart valve disease is essential to keep the heart valve healthy and well-functioning.

Regarding this, insights have been taken from Dr. Sujay Shad. He is the best cardiac surgeon in India. Based on those insights, this blog is sharing a guide on the causes and symptoms of heart valve disease and its effective treatments.

An Overview of Heart Valve

The heart is a complex body organ. This is one of the primary body organs located in the left centre to the left side of the chest. The heart has four valves. These valves play a crucial role in maintaining blood circulation in the body. But sometimes, these valves fail to perform their role and lead to heart attack. Various factors may cause this.

Causes of Heart Valve Diseases

Below-mentioned factors can cause heart valve disease:

  • Congenital conditions

  • Infections like endocarditis

  • With age

  • Poor eating habit

  • Alcohol, smoke and nicotine

Symptoms of Heart Valve Diseases

The symptoms of heart valve disease include the following symptoms:

  • Breathing heavily

  • Excessive tiredness

  • Pain and discomfort in the chest

  • A fluttering sensation in the chest.

  • Swelling in the legs, ankles, or abdomen.

Treatment Options for Heart Valve Diseases:

Heart valve diseases include the below-mentioned conditions-

  1. Blockage Valve

  2. Failure of the Valve

To address these cardiovascular diseases, some of the top-notch treatments are as follows-

  1. Medications: Initially, the heart valve disease treatment starts with oral medication. In this method, a cardiac surgeon may prescribe diuretics, beta-blockers, or anticoagulants to manage the symptoms and prevent complications.

  2. Valve Repair: Valve repair is a surgical procedure. In this procedure, candidates have to undergo invasive surgery. This procedure addresses the damaged valve and repairs it to restore its functioning. This approach is often preferred over valve replacement when feasible.

  3. Valve Replacement: There is a possibility that the valve is severely damaged; hence valve repair method is ineffective. In such circumstances, valve replacement surgery takes place. In this method, a heart surgeon replaces the damaged valve with mechanical or biological prosthetic valves.

  4. Transcatheter Valve Repair or Replacement is a minimally invasive mitral valve repair and replacement procedure. It is an advanced version of traditional open heart surgery recommended to certain patients.

To get more detail about these treatments consultation with a heart surgeon is advised. Regarding this, one can schedule an appointment with Dr. Sujay Shad. He is one of the top-notch cardiac surgeons popular for successful heart valve surgery in Delhi. He can detect the valve disease very early and provides its effective treatment through medication. Regarding this, regular cardiovascular check-ups are advised. To meet Dr. Sujay Shad you can visit Sir Ganga Ram Hospital today.

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